Pilliam's Profile Picture

About Me

Hi there! My username on most sites is SmartyNotchy (which is a really awkward username that I picked when I was 7, but I've already used it basically everywhere so oh well), so I'd much rather be called Pilliam in normal conversations.

I'm currently in high school, but I enjoy programming a bunch of side projects and games in my spare time. Although I probably won't release them as often as I did in middle school (because of, y'know, high school stuff), I'll definitely be working on some sort of computer science project most of the time! I guess I also play Terraria, Rhythm Doctor, and Celeste when I'm bored.


I'm quite comfortable with programming in Python & Java, and I also know a handful of other languages like C#, C++, and HTML/CSS/JS (which was used to make this website!) I also have experience with managing large-scale projects, and developing a multitude of games, applications, and other miscellaneous applications.

I also have some experience in competitive programming; I earned a bronze medal in the 2023 ACSL intermediate division and am currently sitting at a rating of 1290 on Codeforces. (I've linked my Codeforces profile below, along with all of my other connections!)

My Portfolio

This is a short list of projects that I developed/worked on developing and am especially proud of!

Presleyn (Link)

Presleyn (aka Peter Zhao: The Game) is easily one of the biggest projects I've worked on. Set in our middle school in a fantasy environment where students resolve conflicts with magic, Presleyn still contains two acts filled with multiple battles, quests, a gripping storyline, and over 50 unique spells, wands, and other items.

Giving credit where it's due, I mainly worked on the backend & frameworks for this project; most if not all of the content & storylines were planned by my friends Akash and Arjun, go check them out! This project definitely wouldn't have been possible without them.

Presleyn Gameplay Screenshot

PHS SMCS Blocking Schedule (Link)

A simple & clean website that displays today's SMCS Blocking Schedule at PHS for the 9th grade.

This was my first major project that involved the use of GET/POST & fetch requests. That's one step closer to learning how networking actually works!

The website is updated with the schedule every minute, so you'll never be caught off guard! (Hopefully...)

SMCS Blocking Schedule Screenshot

Rick Roll Boss Fight (Link)

RRBS is a JSAB-inspired bullet hell baesd on the iconic Never Gonna Give You Up. I started and finished this project in sixth (6th!) grade as a joke, and it was my first major project in terms of scale & planning.

Although in retrospect it was pretty badly implemented and there were a lot of areas for improvement, this project holds a special place in my heart as the first major computer science project I'd attempted and successfully completed.

(For anyone who actually tries to beat this, which I would strongly recommend not doing, there isn't any JSAB dashing. Sorry...)

RRSB Gameplay Screenshot